The sad story of a Blighted Ovum

Pregnancy is a very special thing in every woman’s life especially when she has longed to conceive for long years. When she conceives finally and she sees a positive line on the urinary strip it’s hard to believe especially when one has had a few negatives before. This is a story of a blighted Ovum which many might have not heard of unless they have gone through one.

A blighted ovum is a gestational sac that is present which makes a woman experience all the pregnancy symptoms like normal but yolk sac is missing where embryo grows often it is also termed as anembryonic pregnancy. It happens in the 6th or 7th week of pregnancy or sometimes early as well but generally, it happens in the late 6th week or early 7th week.

Sometimes if you dont have a yolk sac seen on the 6th or 7th week it doesn’t mean that your pregnancy won’t develop if you wait for extra 2–3 weeks there are chances that the baby grows normally. Most of the time blighted Ovum results in natural miscarriages but if it doesn’t happen then the doctor will prescribe a medical solution as the baby doesn’t grow and it can be harmful to the mother or the final solution would be a D&C procedure, i.e dilation and curettage.

Why does it happen?

Most of the time when it happens a mother ends up blaming herself for carelessness or a pang of guilt might appear…



An Ordinary Person With Extraordinary Experiences

I pen my experiences and write on varied topics. Aspiring to be a content & full-time writer. I am an MBA professional. I follow everyone who follows me.