The drift in Management style due to Remote Working
Have you ever been in an organization where managers hire you just so you can clean up the mess that has been created by many employees before you? How would someone feel when they are thrown in a deep end with no support whatsoever. The part which says hit the ground running. Yes, as a manager I would expect an employee to do their own research and learn and I don't believe in spoon-feeding or being fed both ways.
The corporate culture change
The major change in the culture has actually occurred due to culture change. All thanks to covid. I love working from home and doing remote jobs where I get extra time for myself and saving on commute time and be able to work independently but at the same time. It does take a toll on the culture change as many of the managers are not really trained in agile working. Agile working is one of the best ways to work when everyone is aware of the job but it doesn't help when a new joiner has joined in and needs some support or training to be able to pick up.
Train the Managers
There is an immense need to train the managers on agile working. The remote job does not mean leave the employee or subordinate to the deep end. The manager’s task does not end only after hiring. It is the need of the hour that an employee is properly trained and is getting adequate support to be able to perform the task diligently
The Sink or swim mentality
Having two masters in business administration and Management and working for many organizations has made me think that all the management we have studied is just in the books. Practically, very few to none apply that theory. there is a swim or sink mentality on the managers especially with remote working where the employee is unable to say he needs support and the manager thinks that the employee will either learn to swim or sink. well, most often they sink. Managers are only not doubling the recruitment cost but also wasting the employee’s time. There is a sheer need on training a manager on agile working than training an employee itself.
Training on Mental support
Lastly, I would say the managers also need to be trained on psychological changes affecting the mental health of employees. some may enjoy remote working but at the same time. Remote working jobs need more support when it comes to training and engaging your employees much higher than if you were in an office-based job but that does not mean we micro manage employees. There is no harm in asking an employee in between if he or she needs support or have a doubt or even call them a couple of times not to check on them if they are really working but to provide the necessary support if required.