The career switch dilemma
Often I am in dilemma these days if I should follow my passion or keep giving interviews. I have a Charterered Management accountant degree which is quite prestigious and only a few people can clear the degree at least in the first attempt along with an MBA degree. However, I still find myself stuck in dilemma many a times if I should just follow my passion of writing or keep giving interviews.
Although, I do enjoy number crunching I don't find myself trained to be able to set up something on my own at least in this field and the other option would be to keep freelancing with content writing. I have had a strange transition and dilemma going on in my mind to leave the finance Job and follow my passion and grow in the field. It definitely not an easy decision to make a career change. It can take some time for me to come to a stage at least in writing where I can draw the similar or at least half the salary which my current or previous Job has been providing.
But it's not all about money. It is about the satisfaction and passion I would like to follow. I would like to do something on my own and set up my own business in which I would not regret that I have wasted all my years doing a 9–5 job and uplifting a company that may or may not interest me. I would like to try something new, assess my capabilities and I realize that Life is too short to just keep continuing to do in which a person is comfortable doing.