How to know who matches your vibes?
The topic is not career advice or motivation in this article. The topic is maintaining peace of mind. We disagree with many people on a daily basis regarding our views, assumptions and opinions and how we have personally experienced things and people. But, when you discuss this with people and they push it to believe that their views and their experiences are always right that's when you know something is not right with the company.
Having said that, no person in this whole damn entire world will think alike, we will not match with views or opinions always but when you know something is triggering your calmness and peace of mind and the opposite person is not keen to listen to your views or cuts down on your opinions then its time to know that they are not going to stay in your life as friends or whatever you would like to call them. Then, why waste time with such people who share your thoughts and peace of mind.
I have stressed this enough in previous articles to be silent to observe people how they talk about others in front of you. It will be the same way they will talk about you in front of others except that you have a friendship which is deep down rooted from school days but if you as a friend or anyone are judging someone whom you don't even know properly then what does it say about you as a person says a lot about your personality. I do not want to get political or…