How being a Giver is not really a Gift!!
It depends on what type of Giver you are and what you expect in return as a giver. Does being a giver mean that there should be no return expectations at all and we should just be giving without expecting in return.
As many state that you should not expect anything in return. But, Is there even harm to expect respect in return if not any materialistic thing.
Often there are times when being a giver drains you out and it is not the nicest feeling when you want someone by your side they will not be on your side as you are more popularly known as a giver in the circle and that’s what is going to be expected out of a giver.
It is most commonly understood that a Giver is always being misunderstood to be the most understanding personality in the circle and the takers always assume that being a giver there is always understanding nature from a Giver and no matter how much disrespect and ignorance you will get. You will always forget, forgive and give it back.
A giver tries to understand the situation until it drains the person. when we make a friendship or in a relationship, it is always Give and take but if you are the only one who understands the whole situation then it is emotionally going to drain you out unless you realize that there is nothing you can give to anyone anymore. It will make the giver Live as a loner and ultimately he would start hating the world and the people in the circle.
A Giver’s situation becomes more pathetic when the giver is surrounded by only Takers and the Giver takes time to realize that they are indeed being surrounded by nothing but parasites who only know to take.
A relationship is always Give and take. It takes two people to make a relationship and a friendship. You cannot always be nice to the people who don’t realize your worth and cannot notice that you also end up being sad at times. Be it your blood relationship or just friendship or a relationship of heart. The relationship takes two people, not just one.
If you are not being respected in a relationship and there is no importance given in that relationship or friendship then you should think of even being in touch with that person or behave the same way the person behaves with you. perhaps, a single friend or a relative is enough if the person is truthful but if not then no matter how many friends you have. If they only remember you when they need something then you would perhaps want to walk out of that friendship or relationship. There is a limit you can give. If you only keep giving without filling yourself then you will only Just get empty and There no one to fill you except yourself.
Detach yourself from the person, who doesn't realize your worth and only remembers you when they need something. Remember you are not dependant on that person they are and you don't lose anything by detaching yourself from them. Maybe your friend circle will reduce but do you really need a friend who only knows to take?
What if it is a blood relative who is a Taker? Then do not respond to them and do not be ready to help immediately. you may want to learn to say a NO to a person who is never there for you. Again, you never needed that person the person needs you and you need to make them realize by maintaining your self-esteem. If they don't remember you in good times then are they even worth being in your life. It is indeed better to be alone than to be in bad company.